Resolutions Require Will Power

February 18, 2016

At the beginning of the year many people make resolutions concerning problem areas in their lives (weight-loss, career advancements, love-life, bad habits). Now that this New Year is well underway, how are you doing with your resolution?

Resolution is the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict or problem.

Those actions require high levels of will power. I have found that will power quickly becomes won’t power (ex. I won’t eat that last slice of cake; I won’t cheat on my girlfriend/boyfriend; I won’t have another beer). In order to resolve your conflict/problem or to overcome something negative or destructive in your life, you need a greater force than will power.

Therefore, this New Year instead of resolutions, elevate your game and shoot for refinements. Refinements are improvements made to recognized faults, shortcomings or character flaws. These improvements (refinements) require absolutely no will power!

With refinements, the negative, destructive elements of your life are removed by an encounter with the Refiner. He has supernatural power which is superior to your will power. And that supernatural power is available to you.

The Refiner’s supernatural power is outlined in The Refinement Process which is featured in my new book The Refinery, Overcoming Drug Addictions Through The Supernatural Power Available To You. Just as impurities are removed from metal ore in a refinery, through The Refinement Process your personal impurities (addictions and immoralities) are forever removed. You will come forth as pure gold!

Don’t continue this New Year with unresolved resolutions. Resolutions require will power. Get a fresh start with refinements. Refinements require the Refiner’s supernatural power. Join our online community at for support and answers to your questions. You can also like us on Facebook at The Refinement Process page.


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