Overcoming Drug Addiction
Through The Supernatural Power Available To You

Online community to help addicts recover from drug addiction through The Refinement Process.

The Refinement Process
Intro : 01/06
What is The Refinement Process?

The Refinement Process is an alternative method for eliminating addictions through purging and purification. You are not being returned to a former state, rather, you are becoming new and improved. The old impurities are removed therefore; the end state is by far better than the former state.

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Intro : 02/06
Reflection (The Mirror Test)

The Reflection Station is designed to assist you in recognizing the importance of regular soul searching.  This is the starting point and it is the first phase of The Refinement Process.

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Intro : 03/06
Repentance (The Crossroad Decision)

Repentance is a deep sorrow for a past sin, evil action or wrongdoing. Repentance is regret for a past action.

Repentance begins when you admit your current condition. Repentance begins when you admit that you need help.

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Intro : 04/06
Redemption (Restoring Ownership)

Redemption is the act of making something better or more acceptable. Redemption is the act of exchanging something for money.

Think of somebody who has been kidnapped and held hostage until a ransom has been paid. The ransom paid represents the redemption which is exchanged for the freedom of the hostage.

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Intro : 05/06
Recommitment (Pledging Purity)

The Recommitment Station is strategically structured as your place to reconsider your commitments. You have commitments to other people around you; your family and
friends. I call these Horizontal Commitments. Even if you’ve burned many bridges behind you; some of those bridges might be repaired through recommitments.

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Intro : 06/06
Re-emergence (Becoming Visible Again)

Reemergence is the act or process of emerging again. Many drug addicts live personal, underground existences. They might be surrounded by coworker, neighbors, business partners or even loved ones, but the addict lives under a shroud of drug dependency.

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You're not alone, there is help...
Join our online community and eliminate addictions together.
This forum is designed for both current addicts and former addicts.

Escape the destructive trap of drug addiction forever with these powerful books.

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The Crucible

The Crucible is my way of sharing with a modern society the ancient truth of the Holy Scriptures.

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Ronald Gibson
Founder of The Refinement Process & Author of The Refinery
Gibson traveled parallel roads through the secular world of corporate America and the sacred world of Christian ministry. Affectionately known as Pastor Ron, he serves in a variety of leadership roles including ministering in New Believer Training, Full Pardon (prison ministry), COLATA House (drug & alcohol intervention)
From addict to Pastor, Ronald shares his personal struggles and technique to living drug free.
Invite Pastor Ron to speak at your next event.
Ronald Bibson, Founder of The Refinment Process and Author of the refinery