The Redemption (Restoring Ownership)

Redemption is the act of making something better or more acceptable. Redemption is the act of exchanging something for money.

Think of somebody who has been kidnapped and held hostage until a ransom has been paid. The ransom paid represents the redemption which is exchanged for the freedom of the hostage.

Hostages cannot pay their own ransom; likewise you cannot pay for your own rescue. You must depend on someone who is both willing and able to save you.

The Redemption Station is your place of rescue from drug addictions.


Previously, in the Repentance Station, you learned that deliverance from drug addictions requires a force much more powerful than your will. This is not just an impersonal higher power. In my book, The Refinery, Overcoming Drug Addictions Through The Supernatural Power Available To You, I identify the very person who has the supernatural power to redeem you. I call Him the Refiner. He is the one to whom you must repent.

Ask the Refiner to forgive you. He is willing.
Ask the Refiner to cleanse and purify you. He is able.

The Refiner IS the power to overcome any addiction
The Refiner IS the solution to your problems. He can rescue you, if you will let Him.

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