For those who are helpless and hopeless,

there is help and there is hope!

The Refinement Process is an alternative method to the 12-step program for eliminating addictions.

The 5 stations of The Refinement Process:

With The Refinement Process the power to be made drug-free is NOT in the hands of the addicted person. Just like the power to be made into pure silver or gold is not in the raw metal ore. The power is in the hands of the Refiner. The raw metal ore passes through the refinery and it is processed until it becomes finished. In the same manner, the drug addicted person simply submits to the process, the Refiner does the rest!

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment. But I offer the method that worked for me and others that I have counseled. The Refinement Process, for many, is a more excellent way to achieve sobriety and live a clean, drug-free life. For those who are helpless and hopeless, I say there is help; there is hope.

Recovery vs Refinement

Just what is the difference between recovery and refinement? Recovery could be finding something or someone who was missing. Recovery is the process whereby something or someone is returned to a former status. But, what if that former status was horrible? What if that former state was dysfunctional? What if that former state was miserable? Generally when someone starts abusing drugs, it is because something is either wrong or missing in their life. So what exactly is being recovered? Horror? Dysfunction? Misery? So, is there an alternative?

The alternative is Refinement; the removal of impurities. That is not to say that it is easy or painless. There will be shedding of blood, sweat and tears; some of it will be the addicts, much of it will be the Refiners. Yeah, His life is on the line. There will be trials, temptations, testings and triumphs. There will be valleys and low points; hills and high points. If you allow the Refiner to complete The Refinement Process, you will come forth as pure 24kt gold! Free from addictions and ready for a new drug-free life.

The Road to Discovery – My Personal Journey

Several years ago I worked with an Addiction Recovery ministry through my local church. There I counseled men and women who were hard-core drug addicts. While preparing to conduct counseling sessions, I looked back over my life and discovered the process that the Lord used to cleanse and purify me. I wrote down my discoveries and used them as a basis for the weekly drug counseling sessions. After years of living clean, free from drug addiction.

I was able to share with other clients a more excellent way to become clean! I call it The Refinement Process. And it works! The Refinement Process which takes the reader through the five stations of The Refinery.

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