The Recommitment (Pledging Purity)

Recommitment is simply the act of committing anew; or committing once again.

The Height of Your Success will be Determined by
The Depth of Your Commitment.

The Recommitment Station is strategically structured as your place to reconsider your commitments. You have commitments to other people around you; your family and friends. I call these Horizontal Commitments. Even if you’ve burned many bridges
behind you; some of those bridges might be repaired through recommitments.

Also, you must examine the commitments you have with those who are in authority over you; your parents, your teachers, or your spiritual leaders. You especially need to consider your commitment to God, who is the Supreme authority. These I call Vertical Commitments.

By the way, how much value do you give to your word (your promises)? And more importantly, how much value do other people, who know you, give to you word? If the answers are Not Much, then it’s time to learn the meaning of integrity.


Your word appreciates (gains value) when you keep it.
Your word depreciates (loses value) when you break it.

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