The Reflection (Mirror Test)

Most people wouldn’t dream of going out in public without first glancing in the mirror to make sure they looked their best. In fact, some people spend hours looking in the mirror each day. It’s called primping or preening. They make sure every hair is in place, make-up is immaculate, teeth sparkling white. To them it is important to look fabulous.

And yet, how many of us are equally concerned about our inward appearance? Many people give little thought about the condition of their souls. Sadly, months and years go by with very little self examination.

People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.

1 Samuel 16:7b


The Reflection Station is designed to assist you in recognizing the importance of regular soul searching. This is the starting point and it is the first phase of The Refinement Process.


  • Reflection leads to Recognition, if you are honest with yourself.
  • Recognition leads to Realization, if you are honest with yourself.
  • Realization leads to Resignation, if you are ready to “sign-off” on your old ways.
  • Resignation leads to Refinement, if you are tired of impurities and imperfections.

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